Friday, January 9, 2009

A Day In The Life

A Day In The Life, one of my favorite Beatles songs. It shows the tragedy of life. All you have to do is look at the headlines in the newspaper and see tragedy, fear, uncertainty... and yet, I still find joy in the little things. The smiles my children give me, the looks my husband gives me (yes I do still catch him checking me out, and yes it makes me smile). My babies are growing up too fast. Granted one's almost 2 and one just turned 9 months, it's still too fast. I love watching them learn, watching them play and interact with each other. I think we adults could take lessons from them. Everything should be a learning experience, we should love others unconditionally (even if they just took a toy from you).

The two year old is starting to become afraid of everything. Toys she used to love just freak her out, a small noise and she'll come running, the phone rings and she is in my lap for a half hour. The world is a big, scary place, the unknown and sometimes even the familiar are scary (hmmm... I don't think that ever goes away). I'm trying my best to help her not be afraid of everything, to still take risks, but I also can't dismiss her fears. So, for now, the world is scary and mommy will hold you for an hour if needed, but I'll also be egging you on to jump on the bed, play in the rain, and have a little independence.

Back to adulthood, the world is scary, the unknown and familiar are scary. Just look at the headlines, nothing is safe anymore. Who knows if this time next week we will still have our houses, or jobs (well, I will still have my job). If the stock market crashes, what next? So I guess I will just have to trust God, because I can't trust anybody or anything else right now (or ever), and try not to be afraid of the unknown (but honestly I am and don't know how not to be). What happens in next weeks headlines? Well, I can't worry about that.


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